Vista general oficinas Wayra BA
Vista general oficinas Wayra BA


Following Wayra's brand manual we designed the environments of its three offices within the AreaTres coworking space, integrating and respecting their own styles.

With different posters we brought the Wayra corporate identity to walls, totems with motivational messages, mirrors, an antique candy machine!, and more.

We livened up the libraries, with Robot-clock friends, fun lamps and other deco-objects, accompanied by body shapes that recall Wayra's values.

We added natural greens and graphic details to give warmth.

With retro furniture we contrasted the office style to finish giving magic to a work day.

A great teamwork with my friend, designer and creative Sebastián Miranda.

Branding and deco for Wayra's office in BA

Vista general de las oficinas de Wayra BA
Vista general de las oficinas de Wayra BA